Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I'm terrible

Well I definitely intended to write a lot more in here than I actually do. I keep a private diary where I write way more often, but still not as often as I'd like.

Anyway. We've moved! We got out of the druggy ghetto and found a sweet apartment a few miles away but the area is extremely different. Our neighbors our friendly, we're on the ground floor, we have a bigger bedroom, and there's a park and a nature trail in our "backyard." It's technically smaller but it feels way better. We sacrificed having our 1/2 bath but so far so good!

We've also been forced to de-clutter and it's been wonderful. Our goal is to get rid of all the stuff we're keeping for no good reason. Matt and I have both kept our participation trophies from t-ball and figure that since we're never going to want those on display, might as well toss them. We want to avoid accumulating crap and stuffing it in the corners and stop leaving it there for years, literally.

Madeleine is turning 11 months tomorrow. What an awesome ride! She is happy, bubbly and social. She sort of eats solids… but prefers the milkies and I'm totally cool with that. She's got four teeth and a massive tongue tie which is giving her a sweet little gap to match mine! Turns out I had tongue tie, too but it was never addressed. Not even when I had braces nearly 10 years ago. Thanks, stupid orthodontist. What a goddamn waste!

She's getting ready to walk very, very soon. Too soon. She pulls up on everything even if it can't hold her weight. She's on the slender side, but she's meeting all of her milestones so we, including her doctor, are not worried.

She hates her hearing aids and I do, too. She's constantly pulling them out most of the time, but some of the time she keeps them in! It will be a few years until we're able to see if a surgery can correct or at least improve her hearing. But whatever, it can always be something worse and it's better to be thankful for what we have. "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit."